Professor Joce Nuttall began her teacher education career at Christchurch College of Education from 1990 to 2004, continued at Monash University until 2011 and Australian Catholic University until 2023, then returned to the University of Canterbury as Amo Matua | Executive Dean in the Faculty of Education from August 2023. Joce has built her teaching and research career in leadership and professional practice in education. She is a member of the NZ Teaching Council’s ITE and Induction Advisory Group and a Fellow of the Australian Teacher Education Association.
The approach to professional placements in schools used in many teacher education programmes in Aotearoa New Zealand is largely the same as it was when I attended Dunedin Teachers College (1979 to 1981), yet the needs of schools and learners have changed significantly since then. Why is our approach to professional practice education so fossilised? And what are we doing about it at the University of Canterbury? This year we are undertaking a root-and-branch review of our approach to professional placements in the Faculty of Education at UC. In this presentation I’ll describe what we’re doing and why, seek your advice about the pressing needs in Canterbury’s primary schools, and offer some possibilities for how we might support you and your teachers.
7.30am Tuesday 4 March
Commodore Hotel, Memorial Ave – Christchurch
Book your ticket now. $25 per person.