Our leadership day with Andy Jones in 2019 has been remembered as one of the best PLD opportunities the CPPA has provided. We have worked with other Principal Associations to bring both Andy and Cale to New Zealand in March this year. Those who attended ULead in Banff last year may remember Cale as a presenter.
Summary: Program participants will consider and map the key constructs that of a schools learning culture. Participants will be provided will the tools and knowledge to connect their leadership actions. Actions that enhance observable impact in professional practices that we can actually SEE in our classrooms that lead to improved outcomes for all of our learners.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will explore and better understand:
Program Format:
Welcome: Our Impact on our Culture
Keynote Session 1 Leading the School Learning Culture: Professional Dispositions and School Performance Factors
Keynote Session 2: Identifying our Observable Impact as a Learning Leader:
Keynote Session 3: Bringing it all Together. Curating our observable blueprint for improvement
Workshop 1 Mapping your Schools Eco-System: Using a systems mapping tool to diagnose cultural enhancement factors
Workshop 2: Building a Leadership Impact Generator
Confirmed Tour Schedule – FYI
Monday March 17: Auckland – The Learning Network
Wednesday March 19, Thursday 20 & Friday 21: Rotorua
Monday March 24: Tauranga
Wednesday March 26, Thursday 27 & Friday 28: Wellington
Monday March 31: Christchurch